Inspire · Educate · Research

Vision Statement
Advance human exploration beyond our solar system.

Mission Statement
Inspire and educate the next generation to travel beyond our solar system and support the research and development of enabling technologies.

Core Values
Our core values are Integrity, Courage and Imagination.
Join our Limitless team!
We are looking for a Development Officer and a Marketing and Communications Administrator to help us reach for the stars! Explore the Request for Proposals below to find your perfect fit.

LSI will conduct and fund applied R&D emerging from frontiers of physics and engineering as they apply to enabling fast interstellar transit.

Partner with universities to jointly pursue mutual areas of interest from the leading edge of power and propulsion related physics to enable human exploration of the stars.

Portfolio of student programs from grade school to postdocs with pinnacle objective of educating and inspiring next generation to join LSI in noble endeavor of enabling human exploration of the stars.

LSI will engage academic/student community at all ages/levels to educate on technical challenges to be overcome to enable human
interstellar exploration.
We are about to embark on a journey through the Universe.
Get a free copy of our children’s book.
The Limitless Space Institute is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, established in 2019.
Limitless Space Institute is pioneering research in technology that will make interstellar travel possible.
LSI is a registered IRC 501C3 organization.